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Feb 25, 2014

We have Mikey back for this one episode and then he will vanish AGAIN, so enjoy him while you can and hear him talk about what he thought of toyfair and the news we have for this week....oh we also have a Tricky

Feb 18, 2014

Toyfair 2014 happened and Mikey is away......again, it seems to happen every year. But we have people to fill in his shoes this week. Appologies if the quality isnt as great this week there was a lot of issues with the audio recording this week so i hope its all ok.   

Feb 11, 2014

This week we have the teaser trailer from the super bowl to talk about as well as more stuff from the news world of the transformers

Feb 3, 2014

Another episode appears during the super bowl unfortunately we dont get to talk about the trailer this week but HEY we can talk about it next week :O We still got news to talk about though so lets rock!