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Dec 21, 2017

Comic talk just before Christmas rolls around this year, so Andy and Mikey get down to talk about Optimus Prime issue 13# and Lost Light issue 11#. How doe these comics stack up? well have a listen and see what the lads think. They also have a quick round up talk on Rom vs Transformers as well.

Dec 18, 2017

Mikey and Andy prepare for Christmas and this week talk about scary Movie styled Transformer wall mounts to put fear into you and your children, there's strange stickers coming for the G2 (Japanese purple version) for the takara release and it seems the Japanese mold for Combiner Wars Blast Off seems to be on its way to...

Dec 11, 2017

On the show this week Andy and Mr Mikey tackle such thrilling news as penned out card backs for the Studio Series line, the new Transformers Movie line, who are the figures drawn over? WHO KNOWS ITS SUCH A MYSTERY!!!! Also possible images for the Takara versions of the Power of The Prime line have appeared, is this the...

Dec 4, 2017

With the run up to Christmas we rely on Japan to provide the content for this weeks episode. Mikey goes ove and tells us about the 4 new Japanese pack in comics for God Ginrai, Broadside, Misfire and Doublecross, Andy covers the weirder stuff that came out this week such as a watch advert and a video advert for...