Oct 2, 2017
TFcon DC happened this weekend so there is a butt ton of 3rd Party stuff for this weeks episode of Moonbase 2 from Planet X to other companies like a new company Transform Dreamwave. Some stuff is just a repeat from the Toronto show but new stuff shows up as well, so many things Andy and Mikey want, so many things they...
Aug 17, 2017
Moonbase 2 is sorry for the delay but TFN wrecked poor Andy, this isn't gonna talk about the news for this week its a loose talk of what happened and what was picked up at the show. Joining Andy of this episode is someone else that got to go to the show and enjoy it Mr Dave Mence aka smsno1, enjoy this little...
Jul 17, 2017
2017.....TFcon.....Andy and Mikey talk about the big 3rd Party Panel slideshow and all the fancy bits of high end toys they showed off. Are you ready to listen to the Transformers talk? you better be!
Feb 21, 2017
No Mikey this week so Nicole steps into his shows as Nicole and Andy talk about Toyfair 2017. There's a load of movie toys, RID stuff and Titan Masters stuff to get through so it will be a long one, strap in folks!
Aug 10, 2016
So Andy got to have a chat with Adam White (Ad8m) from the TF Nation crew and got to ask some questions about the convention, which is right around the corner now. So good question some dumb questions, hopefully though this should inform people going to the convention and help alleviate some fears, if people had any.