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Sep 29, 2011

BACK with the Cybertron Tales from the Autobot Crypt! News is REALLY spoilerific this week, CBR interview and December Solicits. (Skip to 16 mins in if if you'd like to avoid plot details!) Aimee, Matt, and Andy highlight comics and then crack into the review of Ongoing #26 and it's gritty crypty mood!

* Intro


Sep 20, 2011

Matt and Aimee intro with news and comic highlight. And then we turn the podcast over to the interview from Auto Assembly 2011! Nick and James talk Ongoing 2012, Issue 125, and UK Classics Volume I. With all our bases covered things get a little silly and BOB could be the singularity that causes it all?

* Intro,...

Sep 15, 2011

Aimee, Matt, and the Cobra Commander TFW bring you reviews in the world of Transformers Ongoing… The Last Story on Earth issue 25 kicks off! It's time to investigate SPIKE, Prowl have at! Are we united in our assessment or divided?

* Intro and News 

* Comic Highlight [@ 9 mins]

* The Review of Ongoing 25 [@17...

Sep 11, 2011

Thanks for listening.