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Jun 28, 2021

What happened in the world of Transformers this week you ask? Well Andy and Mikey get to talk about the rumours for the new Transformers Live Action film Rise of the Beasts, there's a trailer for the official Jurassic Park x Transformers crossover and Origins Bumblebee pops up as his g1 cartoon manta ray car mode...

Jun 21, 2021

A Megatron helmet, a nightmare proportioned Optimus Prime lootcrate figure and a IDW Nick Roche Grimlock from Planet-X are some of the things Andy and Mikey cover on the show today. Plus Andy shows Mikey a clip from Falcon and Winter Solider and they talk about what they did of course during the week!

Jun 14, 2021

Everyone ready for Moonbase 2 episode 653? Andy and Mikey talk about fully coloured images of the rest of Newages Devestator and the individual Constructicons, Dr Wu shows off some legend scale Prime and Beachcomber and Uniquetoys have a little movie Galvatron action. In none3rd party news the official release date for...

Jun 7, 2021

On the show this week Magic Square Toys step up to take on Newage as they show off their legends scale Devestator, or at least we see uncoloured prototype images for some of the team and they show their 2.0 legend scale Optimus Prime. From America rumours of a coming earth mode Redalert and images of Roadrage, as well...

Jun 3, 2021

Mikey and Andy continue on into Immortal Hulk with Vol. 3, yes this time its more then like 3 issues this time so thats a plus, who will Hulk and crew get out of SUPER HELL!!!!