Dec 21, 2020
Last show of the year and Iron Factory have a few new reveals to show off, more G1 sort of styled figures and a hard lean into a samurai athletic started with their Bludgeon and Lio Convoy. New images of the Cyberverse deluxe Soundwave and Prowl have surfaced and a Grimlock tiki mug has pre orders are now...
Dec 14, 2020
We are creeping up to Christmas faster and faster and Andy and Mikey actually have a few things to talk about this week as Newage reuse their Galvatron figure a few times to make repaints and remold a plenty, almost to many. Also in the news the trailer for Earthrise came out and we have a release date for it as well...
Dec 7, 2020
Well in the news this week Andy and Mikey get to talk about full reveals for Kingdom figures likes Inferno, Airrazor and finally proper shits of Dinobot plus a few others, small WFC 3rd party accessory kit and leaks of the deluxe Cyberverse figures Prowl, Soundwave and Starscream. Once again not much on the run up...
Dec 1, 2020
For this week in Transformers news Andy and Mikey talk about rescue Wolverines and the horror that is the Honey badger! SO yes, hardcore Transformers news.............well there is a bit of news on more 3rd Party Shockwave coming and a repaint of RED Megatron is coming as well as a few other bits. Of course along with...