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Jul 25, 2012

The return of Mikey and a big interview with Aimee on her trip to HighMoon Studios.

Jul 22, 2012

For the inaguaral episode of the Moonbase 2 podcast supplemental Kalelprime sits down with Timelord, Ad8m and Ladywreck to talk about the largest Transformers convention in Europe, Auto Assembly. We think of our favorite moments from AA's past and what we are looking forward to this year.

Jul 18, 2012

YES SDCC we talk about it and we talk about it good, with the one and only KingGrimmy.

Jul 10, 2012

Not much news this week folks, but next week SDCC! So get ready as we talk about little news we have for this week.

Jul 6, 2012

Ok people this is episode 200! Who thought we would have so many podcasts? Thank you all for your support!